Fyrirlestur í aðdraganda kosninga í Georgíu
Var með fyrirlestur á ráðstefnu, sem stjórnvöld í Sviss standa að ásamt Evrópuráðinu – um tjáningarfrelsi og fjölmiðla í aðdraganda forsetakosninganna í Georgíu hinn 27. október n.k. Á myndinni ásamt aðstandendum ráðstefnunnar í Tbilisi í gærkvöld.

Stjórn evrópsku lagaakaemíunnar fundaði fundaði um framtíðar áætlanir akademíunnar í höfuðstöðvum hennar í Trier hinn 8, júní 2013.
ERA Trustees debate future strategy
At ERA’s 22nd Board of Trustees meeting on Saturday 8 June 2013, some 50 leading personalities from the world of European law discussed ERA’s strategic development for the next seven years.
Wolfgang Heusel, Director of the Academy of European Law, reported on the accession of Lithuania to the ERA Foundation at the end of 2012. Including Croatia, 24 of the soon-to-be 28 Member States are patrons of the foundation.
With regard to the Multiannual Financial Framework Heusel expressed his gratitude to the European Parliament and the Council for the adoption of positions aiming at the (re)integration of ERA in the Jean-Monnet activities under the new ERASMUS FOR ALL programme.
In 2012, ERA organised the highest number of events (138) and welcomed the second highest number of participants (total of 7986) in its history.
The Board discussed ERA’s Development Strategy 2014-2020 as well as the details of the Academy’s training programme for the year 2014.
The Board of Trustees of the Academy of European Law is composed of leading personalities closely involved with European law in the institutions of the European Union and within legal and economic circles, particularly in the Member States. The Board of Trustees’ role is to advise the Executive Board and Management Board particularly with regard to the planning of the training programme. The Board is chaired by Pauliine Koskelo, President of the Finnish Supreme Court, the deputy chairmen are Professor Josef Azizi, Judge at the General Court of the European Union, and Péter Köves, Partner at Lakatos, Köves and Partners (Budapest).
Pauliine Koskelo welcomed Jochen Hartloff, Minister of Justice of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate and member of the ERA Executive Board, as special guest to the meeting. Further attendees included the following members of the Board of Trustees:
Pauliine Koskelo, Chairwoman of the Board, President of the Supreme Court of Finland, Helsinki
Josef Azizi, Vice-Chairman of the Board, Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg
Péter Köves, Vice-Chairman of the Board, Partner at Lakatos, Köves and Partners Ügyvédi Iroda, Budapest
Massimo Benedettelli, Partner at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Milan
Maria Berger, Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg
Paul Berman, Director, representing Hubert Legal, Director General, Legal Service, Council of the European Union, Brussels
Remo Caponi, Full Professor of Civil Procedure, School of Law at University of Florence
Miguel Carmona Ruano, Member of Consejo General del Poder Judicial on behalf of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary, Madrid
Michèle Coninsx, President of EUROJUST, The Hague
Georges-Albert Dal, Partner at Dal & Vedekens, on behalf of the Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the EU (CCBE), Brussels
Vivien David, representing Vincent Lamanda, First President of the Cour de Cassation, Paris
Marc De Vos, Professor at the Department of Social Law, University of Gent
Ákos Farkas, Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Miskolc
Nial Fennelly, The Supreme Court of Ireland, Dublin
Rafael Fernández-Pita y González, Director-General of Justice and Home Affairs at the Council of the European Union, Brussels
Ian S. Forrester, Q.C., Partner at White & Case LLP, Brussels
Gregorio Garzón Clariana, Professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona
Waltraud Hakenberg, Registrar of the Civil Service Tribunal of the European Union, Luxembourg
Jochen Hartloff, Minister of Justice of Rhineland-Palatinate, Mainz
Herwig Hofmann, Professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Luxembourg
Peter Hulla, Director of the Judicial Academy of the Slovak Republic, Pezinok
Niilo Jääskinen, Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg
Catherine Kessedjian, Professeur at the University Paris II Panthéon-Assas
Vanessa Knapp OBE, London
Kari Kuusiniemi, Member of the Supreme Administrative Court of Finland, Helsinki
Eric Maîtrepierre, Head of the European and International Department, Ministry of Justice, Paris
Holger Matt, Chairman of the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA), Frankfurt am Main
Reda Molienė, Deputy Director of the National Courts Administration, Vilnius
Peter-Christian Müller-Graff, Professor at the University of Heidelberg, Director of the Institute for German and European Business and Economic Law, Heidelberg
Karl-Heinz Oehler, Head of Section, German Federal Ministry of Justice, Berlin
Paraskevi Paparseniou, Assistant Professor at the National and Kaposdistrian, University of Athens
Christian Pennera, the Jurisconsult of the European Parliament, Director General of the Legal Service of the European Parliament, Luxembourg
Luís Silva Pereira, Secretary General of the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN), Brussels
Andrea Posavec Franić, Acting Director of the Croatian Judicial Academy, Zagreb
Gerhard Reissner, President of the European Judges Association, Vienna
Wolfgang Schomburg, Honorary Professor at Durham Law School, Berlin
Ulrich Simon, Legal affairs officer at the Bundesnotarkammer, European Affairs, Brusells
Erika Steigerwald, Deputy Head of the Department for International Relations
National Office for the Judiciary, Budapest
Alain Strowel, Professor at the Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis, Of Counsel at
Covington & Burling LLP, Brussels
Maciej Szpunar, Professor at the University of Silesia, Katowice
Patrick Thieffry, Founding Partner of Thieffry & Associés, Paris
Herdís Thorgeirsdóttir, President of the European Women Lawyers’ Association (EWLA), Partner at Lawyer at VIK LAW, Reykjavík
Christa Tobler, Professor at the Universities of Basel and Leiden
Lord Colin Tyre, Judge of the Supreme Courts of Scotland – Judicial Office for Scotland, Edinburgh
Jettie Van Caenegem, Chief Legal Officer, Tessenderlo Group, Brussels
Diana Wallis, Solictor and Mediator, Former Vice President of the European Parliament, Hull
Tomasz Wardyński, Founding Partner at Wardynski i Wspolnicy sp.k., Warsaw
Heinz Weil, Founding Partner of Weil & Associés, former President of the CCBE, Paris
Michael Jürgen Werner, Partner at Norton Rose LLP, Brussels
Ruud Winter, Vice President of the Administrative High Court for Trade and Industry, The Hague
Guests attending the meeting:
Rainer Hornung, Director of the German Judicial Academy, Trier
Manuel Medina Ortega, Chairman of the Friends of ERA Association, Madrid
Jana Michaličková, International relations representative at Judicial Academy of the Slovak Republic, Pezinok
Jana Wurstová, Ceská Advokátni Komora – Czech Bar Association, Praha