by Herdís Þorgeirsdóttir | 21.06.2016 | ALMANAK
Kynnti gátlista til að meta stöðu réttarríkis fyrir laganefnd þings Evrópuráðsins í fyrradag í viðurvist formanns ráðherranefndar Evrópuráðsins Marinu Kaljurand utanríkisráðherra Eistlands (mér á vinstri hö0nd) og Anne Brasseur fyrrum forseta þingsins (mér á hægri hönd),á myndinni. Varaframkvæmdastjóri Feneyjanefndar Simona Granata Menghini er lengst til hægri á mynd.
Sjá gátlistann hér

by Herdís Þorgeirsdóttir | 15.06.2016 | ALMANAK
The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe (CoE) has urged Turkish government to amend its law on the internet, which allows Turkish Information Technologies and Communications Authority (TİB) to block websites for “illegal or unsafe” content.
The law allows TİB to block websites for “illegal or unsafe” content such as piracy, pornography or terrorism without any authorization from the government or a legal office.
The Venice Commission strongly recommended the internet law be amended, saying, “The only measure provided … is the measure of access-blocking/removal of content which is the most severe measure possible on the Internet. The Law does not provide for any other measure, less intrusive than blocking/removal, as for instance, requirement of “explanation” from the interested party (content provider, web-site owner, etc.), “response”, “correction”, “apology”, “content renewal”, “access renewal” etc. … It is strongly recommended that Law No. 5651 be amended in order to introduce a list of less intrusive measures than access-blocking/removal of content, which would allow the judge to make a decent proportionality assessment and apply the least restrictive measures if they are considered as sufficient and adequate to reach the legitimate aim pursued by the restriction.”
“The requirement that the restriction must be ‘necessary in a democratic society’ should be introduced in the provisions concerning the four access-blocking procedures. The necessity of a fair balance between competing rights and interests when restricting the internet freedoms should be the guiding principle for the administrative authorities and the courts; an appropriate notification procedure should be put in place in all the access-blocking procedures under the law. The notification should contain information on the blocking measure and the reasons put forth by the authorities to justify the measure as well as existing remedies,” the commission said in a series of recommendations.
“The system of access blocking by a decision of the Telecommunications Directorate without prior judicial review [administrative measure] should be reconsidered. The balancing between competing rights and/or between the measure restricting the freedom of expression and the legitimate aims pursued by the measure should be carried out by a court and not by an administrative body,” the commission also said.
In a resolution on “the Protection of the safety of journalists and of media freedom in Europe,” adopted in late January 2015, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council ofEurope (PACE) requested that Venice Commission “analyze the conformity with European human rights standards of Law No. 5651 as well as its application in practice.”
The commission completed the draft in late May and presented it in its plenary session held on June 10-11.
by Herdís Þorgeirsdóttir | 12.06.2016 | ALMANAK

Meðfylgjandi myndir eru teknar á fundi undirnefndar Feneyjanefndar um grundvallarréttindi sem haldinn var daginn fyrir aðalfund, hinn 9. júní sl. Herdís vann að tveimur mikilvægum álitum sem samþykkt voru af nefndinni; annars vegar áliti um internet-löggjöf í Tyrklandi og hins vegar áliti um lög sem banna starfsemi óæskilegra erlendra og alþjóðlegra stofnana í Rússlandi. Á aðalfundinn mættu aðilar stjórnvalda beggja ofangreindra ríka til viðræðna við nefndina.
by Herdís Þorgeirsdóttir | 10.06.2016 | ALMANAK
Frá fundi Feneyjanefndar hinn 10. júní þar sem pólskir fjölmiðlar fjölluðu um álit Feneyjanefndar um umdeild lög í Póllandi um æðsta dómstól landsins.
by Herdís Þorgeirsdóttir | 10.06.2016 | ALMANAK
Á aðalfundi Feneyjanefndar föstudaginn 10. júní ávarpaði dómsmálaráðherra Georgíu, Thea Tsulukiani, fundinn vegna fyrirhugaðs álits á breytingum á lögum um stjórnlagadómstól Georgíu. Sjá frétt hér.

by Herdís Þorgeirsdóttir | 1.06.2016 | ALMANAK

Within the framework of the joint EU/CoE project “Freedom of Expression and Media Freedom in Azerbaijan” a round table on Defamation took place on 31 May 2016 in Baku. The conference, organised in close cooperation with the Azerbaijani Press Council, aimed to raise awareness on Council of Europe standards and best European practices on defamation and freedom of expression and to give the floor to open discussions on how to improve the national legislation concerning defamation and journalistic practice in Azerbaijan. About 60 representatives of state authorities (Presidential Administration, Milli Majlis, Ombudsman’s Office), academia, media professionals, representatives of civil society and international organisations attended the round table. Mr Patrick Penninckx, Head of Information Society Department of the Council of Europe, and Ms Herdis Thorgeirsdottir, Vice President of the Venice Commission, participated in this event.